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Thursday, January 22, 2015

The Royal Brain blogspot is up and running!

Thanks to a lot of hard work from my favorite sister, you all can keep track of Mitch's progress right here!! I'm not a very fast learner and Thank God my Sister has LOTS of patience with me! I don't really have anything new to report but wanted to do this and make sure it is working right before we get to Columbia!! We will leave for Columbia on February 19th and check into the hospital at 5 a.m. on the 20th, that will be the surgery to remove a piece of his skull and place the grid on the part of the brain where all the seizure activity is coming from, they have warned us that this surgery will be a 6-8 hr long surgery but we hope to put updates on here as we get them. He will then go to ICU for 2 weeks and then on March 6th he will go back to surgery and remove the grid and hopefully clip the nerves that are starting all the seizures, sounds simple right?, well it scares the BEJEBBERS out of us but we know we have a wonderful team of prayer warriors helping us get through this! Mitch has been a real trooper and he seems very confident and happy to think that someday soon, he will have comfort and maybe feel more normal, happy and just down right feel better. Since his accident in 2001 he just hasn't felt very good and we just thought that was the way it was going to be and he needed to buck it up and learn to live with it. Little did we know that 13 years later we would find all of this out and be ready to start one of the biggest, scariest journeys of our life. We really need to thank Dr. Golightly for knowing that something wasn't right last January when we went to him for a regular check up and Mitch started to have one of his many arm seizures that he has, he got us in very quick to Columbia and they knew right away something wasn't right with Mitch! We know we couldn't do this without all of you on our team, so THANK YOU, THANK YOU all for helping us through this roller coaster we are on. We Love you all very much and Thank God for you all everyday!! God Bless you ALL, David, Theresa, Mark, Joel, Tiffany, Gia, Quincy and Mitch

P.S. Thanks to all our family for helping us come up with the PERFECT name for Mitch's blog! We had quite a few good ones to choose from:)!!!!