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Tuesday, June 21, 2016


we got home at 2 pm yesterday and enjoy dinner with Joel, Tiff and kiddos! Thanks Tiff for dinner it was awesome! Mitch has had a great first night and day home! He has slept quite a bit and when he is awake, he has a smile on his face! I just love seeing that!!! I am trying to to get to excited but we haven't seen his arm do one of its seizures and that is fabulous!!! We are just praying that we never see one of them again!!! He has had some company and he really enjoys visiting with anyone so he doesn't have to talk to me:)!!!  He did do a shower and I hardly helped at all he is just doing great! Well it is 5 pm so I think I will go get outta my pjs:)!!! I am pretty lazy:)!!! Thanks so much for the continued prayers and please do stop and visit if you are in the area!!!! Love you all,  Theresa


  1. Fabulous news. Prayers for a seizure free future.

  2. Prayers for you, Mitch. Hugs from Toni :)
