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Friday, July 15, 2016

Ups and Downs!

Well, I'm not sure what to say!! Mitch has been going to therapy and doing real well with that, He continues to get stronger everyday!  He has had some really good days and we just LOVE those but then he has had some pretty yucky days and they bring us way down to our knees.  On Wednesday, July 13th, Mitch woke up and felt like he had seizures all night just like before, he we very irritable and just felt pretty crappy all day. Then on Thursday, he had an awesome day and was joking with me and feeling great, then this morning he woke up and he said he was feeling good but by 8:10 am I knew he was in full seizure mode:(!  I called Dave home and we couldn't get him out of it so we headed over to ER, he was throwing up and just not quite with it! I called Dr. Lanigar and he wanted them to do a CT scan, blood work, to check for infection and levels of his seizure meds! He really wasn't concerned at all about this and said it is just all post traumatic surgery and his brain is still healing!! They gave him some fluids and got him all hydrated back up, then after checking everything and it was all fine, they sent us back home. He has been resting and just staying low key for the day!  WE are trying to stay positive and pray that this is just part of the healing process, I'm sure there will be alot more Ups and Downs.  He goes back Monday to get his stitches out and then they will do an EEG to check for seizure activity. Thanks so much to everyone that came and helped this morning and for all the visits at the hospital, we really was needing all those hugs and thanks for all the prayers, we really couldn't do this without you all. Love you all,  Theresa  

1 comment:

  1. Praying for u guys.. mitch is an amazing fighter.. and so are all of u God bless
