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Sunday, May 1, 2016

Getting Closer to Surgery!

This ole World just continues to go by so fast. When we found out Mitch was going to have surgery back in Feburary we thought that it seemed so far away and now Mitch is all done with his classes and ready to head to a couple Royals games in May and then here we come Columbia! They did call last week and change his appointment from May 2 to May 9, Dr was out of town on the 2nd! Then they called back the next day and wanted to get Mitch "in the books" for surgery, so right now his TENATIVE date for surgery is June 10th. This will all get finalized on the 9th of May when we meet with surgeon! We continue to pray that this surgery will be the answer to our MANY prayers and Mitch will finally feel better. Thank you all so much for the continued prayers and support you have given us through this journey. We really do appreciate them all. Last week was a whirlwind week and our hearts were broke a couple times as a couple of my cousins went through the worst days of their life. Please say a quick prayer for my Cousin Eileen Love and her family as her husband was killed in a motorcycle accident and she laid him to Rest a day after their 30th wedding anniversary. My Cousin Jaime Andrews and her husband's 11 year old son was killed on Monday. It was a week of heartache and many tears shed for both of them this week. I pray for comfort for both of these families to find peace in their new NORMAL life. Please remember life is fragile and give lots of love and hugs as you never know at the beginning of one day what the ending will be! Thank you all and I will keep you all posted on what we find out the 9th. Love you all more than you will ever know!!!!! Theresa

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