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Tuesday, October 11, 2016

Back to the Hospital!

I am so sorry it has been so long since I have posted, I just don't really know what to say:( Mitch continues to have different problems and he continues to get more frustrated everyday! Last week he started in with his famous arm seizures, it only happened a couple days and then they were gone! This week his right leg and arm, which is his good side, started in with some different kind of spasms! His Dr would like me to capture them and send to him but I can't seem to!  Mitch will enter the hospital in Columbia on the 31st of October and will do the video monitoring for a few days. We had it set up to do over Christmas break but with all these new issues his Dr really wants to know what is going on. Mitch continues to tell us that he just doesn't feel good, he says he doesn't feel bad or hurt he just doesn't feel right. We are trying to be optimistic that he just doesn't know what it feels like to be seizure free after 15 years, and we are still praying that he is healing and that this is all normal. So for now we will continue to stay positive and pray that he is still just healing. I will try real hard to update this more often! Thank you so much for all the kind words and prayers you continue to give, you will never know how much they really do help!  There is so many little ones and big ones dear to our heart that are battling the beast, please keep all cancer patients and their caregivers in your prayers too. God Bless you all and hope you are ready for the cold, Brrrrrrrr!! Love ya, Theresa

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