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Tuesday, March 14, 2017

Our Emotions is like Missouri Weather!

It has been a total week of thrills! So happy one second and then down right bawling our eyes out the next. Two of the toughest, most beautiful women in my life could both use some prayers.  Mom was in the hospital with blood clots in her leg and lung. She is home and hanging in there but her poor leg is big and sore. She is doing a great job walking and not sitting around, She is on Coumidan and trying to get her blood thinned out! We are so happy and thankful that she finally showed Steve her foot so he could fix it for her, thanks so much Bull for getting her to the ER so they could fix it. Thanks to Jill for getting Granny to all her appointments and helping me so much, you are a Saint.  I went for all my yearly cancer screening and blood work, thank you God for letting them all be good and now I have graduated to just doing yearly blood work and if Doc doesn't like the numbers I will have to go see him and if he does like them, I get to skip a yearly of driving to KC, so very thankful for that. With that being said...Trude was coming over to help me Monday and hit a slick spot and lost control of her truck and hit a bank and rolled her truck 3 times. She is very banged up and bruised but thank God she will heal with time. I'm pretty sure my Mother-in-law was with her and kept her safe for us but also THANK YOU Ron Wiederholt for stopping and helping her that morning, you were the HERO that saved her, it was Teresa's birthday Monday so thank you thank you for keeping Trude safe for us. It is very hard to see these two tough ladies so feeble but I know they are both strong and will be back to their ornery self before long. Love you Both more than you will ever know.
Mitch had a little fender bender last week also, he was heading to college and a girl ran a stop sign and hit him and spun her around and hit a house. Mitch was very calm and collective, alot better than his mom was! So thank God that he is ok and his car can be fixed or replaced!  Mitch also had an appointment with his Dr. today in Columbia. He is sending him to a sleep study Dr to get insurance to ok the sleep machine for him. he said insurance is just crazy anymore.  He really thinks the sleep machine will help him feel so much better and He also wants Mitch to come see him about the Neuro Pace device but on a VERY happy note, Mitch got an intership in Gretna Nebraska, he will be their from May to August at a 4-H camp and help with activities, so the Neuro Pace device is not going to happen until September! He is so very excited and can't wait to be away from me for the summer, I'm going to be fine.......I think!  Mitch will be all DONE with classes in April and then after his intern is done he will be a College GRADUATE!!!!!  I am so happy and excited for him, so thank God he wasn't hurt in his accident and he is about ready to Graduate!!!
Hope this all makes sense, hard to type with tears running down your face:) So just like the Missouri weather where it is sunny and warm one day and cold and slick the next that is how our week has been, tears of sadness one day and tears of joy the next. God Bless you all and Thank you all so much for all the encouraging words and prayers!!!!!  Love ya, Theresa

1 comment:

  1. So glad to hear all the good news! You and your whole bunch are regularly in our prayers!
