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Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Keep on Trucking!!!

Well it has been too long since I have posted anything, SORRY!!! Mitch is doing great and I am real excited for him to be done with school and back here for the summer! He has a final on Wednesday and then he will be done. He did end up having to take incomplete for two of his classes and he will finish them in the fall! He continues to feel good and seems to sleep better and just enjoy life more! We still haven't heard from his Dr. on the EEG he had so I guess we are hoping that means it is ok, he continues to have a few spells but nothing like he has had in the past, THANK YOU GOD!! He is all done with therapy and man did they spoil him! His last day he cooked a meal for them and they gave him a box FULL of goodies! He has even cooked for himself now a couple times and I told him this summer he has to cook one meal a week for us....we will see:)! We are very busy trying to get everything done for the wedding! It has been a blast getting ready for it and we can't wait for the day to get here. I go to the heart Dr. on Friday and if my number is still low then I will get a pace maker, so if you could just say a quick prayer that that goes well I would really appreciate it! We appreciate the continued prayers and Mitch appreciates all the compliments he gets on how well he looks! God Bless you all! Theresa

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