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Tuesday, March 3, 2015


We made it home last night around 6 and Mom, Uncle Harv and Aunt Diane had a Wonderful dinner ready for us to eat with birthday cake for dessert. It was so amazing to have some real good home cooking, thank you guys so very much!!!! It was so awesome to walk in the house and Gia came running to me yelling MIMI, and of course when Quincy seen me he had that big smile on his face that just melts my heart, I got alot of hugs and kisses from them, they did remember me:)!! It just feels good to be home, I have alot of bags to unpack and alot of papers to get through but I just really didn't get much done today. I did get Mitch all set up with therapy so he will start that tomorrow! I still can't believe how good he is doing and I really think he does feel better, or he acts better! Mitch's arm is still doing its thing but we are trying not to let it get us down. He still claims to not be in any pain and he didn't want me to get the pain medicine filled, he just wants tylenol if needed but heck he hasn't even had any of that since Sunday night. He has continued to receive some pretty awesome gifts and cards, thank you all, you sure know how to put a smile on his face. We are not sure when he will get back in school but we plan to make a trip soon to visit his professors. Thank you all for the continued prayers, we really feel like they are helping us and being answered. Tiff and I now need to get some much needed bonding done and work on some wedding planning. God Bless you all and please stop to give Mitch some encouragement if you are in the area:)!

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