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Sunday, March 1, 2015


Well, we got moved outta ICU this afternoon and we are now on the 7th floor, green elevators, room 7E11.  Mitch is doing absolutely wonderful. His eyes are alittle more swollen today and maybe alittle black and blue but he is doing really good. They took the dressing off his head and he has went for 4 pretty long walks.  The nurses are pretty proud of how far he can go, Dave even reminded him to only get half tired so he could make it back to his room and he just kept going! We are so proud of him. He started therapy today and they wonder if Mitch would benefit any if he had some in care rehab, of course his insurance won't pay for out patient therapy:(!  We are not real thrilled about that but will see what the Dr. thinks in the morning, heck he has been laying in a bed for 11 days he has to be weak!  Again thanks so much for all the prayers and also to my cousin Carol Summa for bringing us a Royal Brain BIG cookie, it WAS delicious and also to Dave's Cousin LeAnne, Jesse, Montana, Boston and Arthur for stopping to see us today. It was so wonderful to see you all and Erma Mattson stopped today also and is letting Dave and I crash at her house tonight.  Yes, I'm leaving the hospital for a night, Mitch's new room isn't as big and he said he will sleep all night anyway so Dave thinks it is time for me to ween him, AGAIN!  I  just love the little boy so much!  So I guess we will see what tomorrow brings and go from there.  I did start to show Mitch some of the "ROYAL" post but I know there are more.  He was overwhelmed with all of them.  Thank you all so much for coming together for him and loving all of us so much!!!  Please continue the prayers and pray we make the right decision for Mitch.  Hope to post earlier tomorrow when we figure out what is going on.  God Bless you All!!!!

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