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Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Smooth Sailing!!

Sorry it has been so long since I last news is good news here:)!! We have been pretty busy doing wedding planning and Mitch has had a lot of company, it has been GREAT!!! Mitch continues to do therapy 2 times a week at St. Francis Rehab and then Dave and I do it the rest of the time! They told us today that his balance is continuing to improve but he really needs to work on his walking, he just isn't quite steady enough yet! He has a brace for his hand that he wears as much as he can stand and he really does good with that! He is so ready for the stitches to be removed, his poor head is itching so bad, He came in our room at 1 am and was ready for some benadryl and that does seem to help! We go back to Columbia on Friday the 13th and see Dr. Lanigar and I think he will set him up to come to the hospital and do another study where they put the electrodes on his head and watch for the seizure activity! We think that will be in July or August but not sure. We just can't believe the difference in Mitch, He acts so much better,I know he feels so much better and he is sleeping better so we believe that the activity is minimal to none! On Monday the 16th we see Dr. Tanaka and she will remove his stitches, I just can't wait to hug that woman and thank her for making my baby feel better!!!! I hate to say anything but Mitch hasn't had any arm seizures since Friday the 6th! I just can't believe it, his brain still has alot of healing to do but man I feel it is working already!!! Thank you all sooooo much for the prayers, they are definatly working, visits, food and company. Please feel free to stop and just see this miracle of ours in person, if you get a chance! Love you all!! David, Theresa and Mitchell

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the awesome news update! It is so terrific that Mitch is feeling better.... and that you are watching a miracle at work!
