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Sunday, June 12, 2016

Mitchell wants outta here!

Well Mitch hasn't let us down at all! He had a pretty sleepy day yesterday, he is in more pain than I would like to see him in but they said they really expected that. Mark, Joel, Gia and Quincy got here around 3 yesterday, it was so wonderful to have us all here! Max and Jennifer Dunlap brought us in pizza and cookies and Andy and Sara Hull sent a bag of goodies so we just stayed here in the room and ate, thank you guys so very much for doing that, it is so wonderful to have support from everyone, no dieting going on here!! Mark, Joel, Tiff and kids left about 8 and Dave took off about 8:30 so Mitch and I just were resting and going to try to get some sleep since neither of us slept much the night before. Wouldn't you know it about 9, while his nurse was getting all his vitals, Mitch starting having some pretty big seizures. His heart rate got dangerously high and he quivered alittle by 9:15, the Doctor on call showed up and she was very concerned. The monitering team had called her cause they could tell from the moniter and video, they watch of him all day and night, that he wasn't coming out of it. By 10 he had all the ativan he could have to stop the seizures and he was still seizing. I called Dave and told him to come back over, thank you Dave, and the Doctor on call had called Mitch's Dr and he really wasn't that shocked, he really feels like this is Mitch's normal! He probably does this every night, but because of the grid on his brain and the surgery it may have been alittle worse but really he doesn't think much! The on call Dr. also told us that she can tell exactly where the seizures are coming from so, We all have our fingers crossed that they will decide that Mitch needs to have surgery very soon, but who knows! This Momma is so ready for this to be over, I'm pretty sure my pacemaker is working overtime! They did tell us that Mitch did have a few spells during the day yesterday but really the night time is the very worse for him. They will have to do the grid testing to make sure none of his motor functions are coming from the same area as the seizures. We are praying very hard that there will be no other functions there cause we really don't want him to lose any of the function he has in his arm or leg. So I guess you could say that Mitch is doing exactly what we want so they can get him all fixed up! He had an ok night and we are anixously waiting for all the teams of Doctors this morning to see there thoughts on this. Thanks so much everyone for all the love, support, food and prayers we sure need them all!!!!! I will try to update again after all teams of Doctors are in. One other thing, we just found out that our cell phones won't receive calls here, we can call out but not receive, so if you would like to visit with us or Mitch please just text us and we will call you, my cell is 660-582-7064!!! Thanks again for everything, Love you all, Theresa

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