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Thursday, June 16, 2016

We are set for tomorrow!!

Well Mitch had his mapping test, mapping CT scan, EKG, blood work, ultrasound to make sure there was no blood clots in his legs, since he isn't up walking and urine test and I think that is it and everything is a go for tomorrow around 1 pm. The mapping test was pretty interesting, he started having seizures about a half hour into it and they had to stop 4 times and give him medicine to come out of it, it ending up taking 3 hours to do! Dr Bandy, who is with Dr Lanigar, did the test and he is very confident that they have for sure found the focal point this time and there is no motor functions that should be in the way of this. The piece of brain they will take is approximately 2 inches by 1 1/2 inch and 1-1 1/2 inches deep, alittle bigger than last time. Dr Lanigar came in after it was over and said he is so happy we are doing this and he really thinks Mitch will do great and feel like a new man, that is why we are doing this!!!! He also said they had called him Sunday night when Mitch started seizing and they couldn't get him out of it, and he could watch him from home and Mitch seizure lasted 3 hours. He said he was concerned but wasn't cause he could see Mitch and tell that he wasn't having any trouble. He presumes that Mitch has these kind of seizures a lot and we just don' know cause he isn't hooked up to the machine. I just know he is a trooper and I am so proud of how well he handles everything that is thrown his way, He is definitely my hero. He received quite a few cards again today and he really enjoyed reading them, some were from people we didn't know but knew us from people we do know, how cool is that?? Thank you all so much for all the cards, prayers, messages and support. We really couldn't do this without you all!!!! We are praying that this will all be over soon and we will be home to recuperate! Love you all, Theresa and Mitch


  1. Blessing and prayers to you. This has to be a very difficult. But it looks like you all are handling everything very well. Our prayers will be with you tomorrow and always. H & M

  2. OH Theresa - you have had a long road and have taken every step with confidence that the Good Lord is with you. You and Mitchell have been in our thoughts and prayers for a long time. We will continue to pray for a successful surgery this afternoon & quick healing after this surgery too. Love & hugs Randy & Alice
