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Saturday, June 18, 2016

Quiet Birthday!

The birthday boy was pretty quiet today! They got him up and he was able to sit in a chair for 30 minutes but that was all he could handle! He went for a MRI and we haven't heard anything from that so they said that is good otherwise they would have took him straight to surgery! He Hasn't ate much but doesn't really have an appetite yet, and he is running a 100.2 temp and they don't get concerned unless it is over 100.5 so I am praying that it goes back down instead of creeping up! Dave kicked me outta the hospital tonight and he stayed, so I will try to get so sleep and head back over early! If his temp goes down he should get moved to the floor tomorrow, they also said if he can get up and move around he may be able to go home Monday but I'm not real thrilled with taking him home unless he is getting up and down a lot better than what he is right now! Mom stayed with Mitch for a while today so Dave and I could go watch Maggie play ball, good game Maggie and thanks Granny, and we were sad to find out we missed our cousin Keith, please come back Keith!! We had some visitors from Iowa today, thank Kevin , Crystal, Hailey, Caitlyn and Aiden for coming to sing Mitch Happy Birthday! Hopefully tomorrow will be a better day! We are praying tomorrow will be a better day and that this is just a bump in the road! Thanks so much for the continued prayers we really do appreciate all of them! I'm so ready for my baby to feel better!!!! Love you all Theresa

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