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Sunday, July 3, 2016

Thanking God!

Well, it's been a while again, sorry. Mitch has been absolutely great, we went back to Columbia on Wednesday and Dr. Lanigar was thrilled. He thought Mitch looked better, acted better and is better than he has been for a very long time. He told us that he wants to do a EEG on July 18th, when Mitch gets his stitches out, and he knows that NOTHING will show up, No abnormal activity and no seizures. We have waited a very long time, 14 1/2 years to be exact, to hear those words.  Dr. Lanigar was pretty upset the night Mitch had the 3 hour seizure and he told us that was just too long for anyone to have a seizure. They are all pretty confident that they have found the Focal point, where all the seizures are coming from, and that he will never have another one again. We are just all thrilled!!! Mitch says he sleeps better, feels like getting up and ready to start everyday with a smile on his face. Dr. Lanigar will not start weening Mitch off any medicine until next summer. We continue to pray that they are gone forever and will never show up again. As most of you know, I was going to have a knee replacement on the 11th of July, my knee was bothering me alot but it really is a ton better and I feel like I can finally walk again. I still have trouble kneeing and getting up off the floor but hey at least it don't hurt, anyway I have canceled that for the time being and I will start a series of shots on Tuesday July 5 and I am praying that will give me a couple of years before I will have to have a new knee. Mitch is getting ready to start therapy and Dave would be run ragged trying to help him and me, so it is wonderful that I can wait. We have alot of things to be thankful for but mostly Mitch's successful surgery, our health, and all of you and our precious God, so thank you all so much for your prayers and support during this crazy time in our life. We cherish you all and please stop by if you are in the area. We pray you all have a safe and Happy 4th, summer is almost over!  Love you all, David, Theresa and Mitch

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