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Saturday, July 30, 2016

Trying to hang tough!!!

Sometimes life throws some pretty mean curve balls but you must stand in there, hang tough and take them and then fight back!!!  So Mitch's appointment was kinda what I thought it would be. When we got to the Dr, office yesterday morning Dave said "Mitch, I still haven't seen your arm do that twitching thing you have been telling me about"! Well Mitch said "just watch it cause it is going to do it now". Yep he had a seizure right there in the parking lot! We got him in the building and got him in a wheelchair and wheeled him to Dr. Lanigar's office and they came and got us and Dr. Lanigar was with another patient but we think she went and got him but by the time he got in there he was coming out of it. We think it lasted about 30 minutes. Dr. Lanigar told Mitch and us that Mitch, is defiantly his most challenging and difficult patient, of course Mitch isn't the text book type! He wanted to know if we thought his seizures were different than before and I said yes because before he was having so many and we never even knew it but now he is able to tell us when they are going to happen. he agreed with us on that.  He wanted to put Mitch back in the hospital and do the long term EEG but couldn't get him in until the end of August, so he decided to do a ambulatory EEG, which we will take him to the hospital on Monday and they will hook him all up and then we can go home and he will wear it until Thursday! If this doesn't show much then the end of August he will have to enter back in the hospital and do the other one. Dave asked Dr. Lanigar if he would have been hooked up if he thought it would have showed up as a seizure and Dr. Lanigar just isn't sure yet if these are seizures or healing! He did start Mitch on another seizure medicine and also gave us a prescription to have if he has a seizure to give him to bring him out of it sooner, now I just hope I am organized enough to have it with us when we need!  We were all pretty bummed yesterday and Mitch still claims he will not do another surgery but I told him I feel we need to get a second opinion and try to keep going, we have came this far lets not give up now. I also told Mitch that he hit his beautiful head so darn hard the day of the accident and dang it he is paying for it now.  So we will head back to Columbia on Monday and get all hooked up and pray that Dr. Lanigar will see what he needs to and all of this is just part of the healing process.   Thanks so much for all the prayers, kind words and encouragement, we really do appreciate them all! Thanks also to Traci and Robert Archer for bringing a piece of the NWMSU Bearcat Turf, Mitch was pretty excited to get it!  God Bless you all,  Theresa

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