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Monday, March 2, 2015

Birthday Blessings!

Happy Happy 52nd Birthday to the guy that "tries" to keep me sane!  Mitch and I don't know what kind of mind we would be in if we didn't have him here to keep us sane!  He may drive me over the edge alot but he sure knows how to get us back on top.  David have a great birthday and I sure hope we can be home in time for me to cook you up something to eat!  Love you to the Moon and Back!
Yep that is right....we are waiting for discharge papers to go home right now.  Mitch has done so good in the last 24 hours they just can't believe how much stronger he is!  I told them just telling him he may need to go to an in-care rehab got him off his butt and up and going strong!!! He does have a long way to go but that is just going to be mine and his new thing, we are going to have to do therapy twice a day and really it will be good for me too!!!!!  We did ask them if they thought in-care therapy could get him anymore stronger than he was before and they didn't think so, so we told them we really think we can do a good job with him at home and we will have him up and going very soon!  Granny Kate is a WONDERFUL therapist and I know she will be there to help us too!  I have alot of emotions running through me today, I can't believe my baby has had two pretty major surgeries in a week, I just can't believe that we are getting out of here 2 and 1/2 weeks earlier than they thought,&  I just can't believe all that he has had to go through in the last 13 and 1/2 years but I do know that NONE of this could have been done without the support of all of you!  We will NEVER be able to tell you all how much it means to us, we are so lucky to have you and I pray I can pay it forward and help you all one day, I just pray that it isn't because of something like this!  Well I think we are maybe about ready to get discharged so I will stop rambling!  Please feel free to come by our house and see Mitch anytime.  We love company and I'm sure Mom, him and I will be ready for a break:) THANK YOU ALL so much for helping us through this process and we pray that Mitch can now see a new light at the end of the tunnel.  We will follow up with Dr. Tanka in 2 weeks to get the stitches out and we will also see Dr. Lanigar in two weeks too. I did ask if they could get those appointments the same day and they said they would try but guess what, its not the end of the world if they can't:)!!  God Bless you all!!!!!  David, Theresa and Mitch

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