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Monday, February 9, 2015

Home Again!!

Well we are home again!  Dr. Tanaka was just checking to make sure that Mitch's scalp had enough blood supply and skin to be able to close up after surgery.  She did have us go see a plastic surgeon and he thought there would be no problem with closing up for her but if she does have problems then he is on board to go help her close up.  We always learn something new each visit so now today she said they will take part of his skull out and after the grid is in place they will put the skull back over, screw it in and then close, that leaves less of a chance of infection.  She went over all his surgeries with us and I got pretty teary, I guess I have kinda shut out all he has been through up to now but with his first surgery he did get an infection and they had to remove his skull and replace with a prosthesis piece so she just thinks it will be best to go ahead and put his skull back in place!  She also told us that usually this kind of surgery would take 4 hours but she has blocked the whole day for Mitch because of all his prior surgeries, I told her take as long as she needs!!!  So in 11 days from now this will all be over, we just can't believe that the time is finally here!!  Dave did ask her if she could go ahead and do the surgery now so we didn't have to think about it anymore, if only that could of happened!!     Thanks so much for all the prayers, I know right now I am a basket case and I know your prayers are helping us all!! Love and Hugs to you all!!!

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