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Sunday, February 22, 2015


Wow, it has been an interesting night!! Dave, Joel and Tiff left at 4 this afternoon, at about 7:45 Mitch started in with a seizure, it scared me to death:(! We were just talking and all of a sudden I heard alarms going off and four nurses came running in and they were going back and forth trying to get him medicine, he just wouldn't come out of it! They gave him 6 mg of Ativan and that should knock him out but no he just kept seizing! Finally after 28 minutes he came out of it! I had text a classmate of mine from Texas who just happens to be in town visiting her son and she came right over, thanks Julie and also Vince and Joan were here and Dave had them come over because yes I was a basket case, thanks Joan and Vince!  The Dr on call came and talked to me and we discussed adding more medicine if it happened again, he said it probably wouldn't because of all the Ativan they had given him it should knock him out, I was like yea right do you know us very well? Ha ha and wouldn't you know it about 30 minutes later he had a seizure that last 18 minutes and then he had another that lasted 6 minutes! They haven't added more medicine yet and don't plan to unless he seizures last for longer than 30 minutes!  The Dr called in and said they already can see where all the seizures are coming from and the reason he started them tonight is because his brain has finally woke up after surgery, and there is no need to wait til Friday to do surgery so now we are going to meet with the team in the morning and surgery will be on Tuesday! They have never seen anyone have this much activity so soon after putting the grid in place, usually it takes two to three weeks to map out where they are coming from and then they take medicine away to make them have a seizure, but not my Mitch, they think he has seizures all the time and we just don't know it:(! Dave is coming back first thing in morning and I think Mary will come with him. I hate to do that to him but I need him here to make sure I am making all the right decisions!  We appreciate all the prayers and ask you to please continue them! I will let you know for sure the game plan after meeting tomorrow! I guess this is exactly what we wanted to happen I just was hoping it wouldn't be so scary! I try to remind myself that he is a grown man now but when I look at him and watch him go through this he looks just like my little baby:(! I pray he, and I, can get some rest tonight but who knows:(!  Love to you all,  Theresa

1 comment:

  1. God bless & guide all of you. And you are right, the pics you posted looks just like the "baby" we saw years ago ay Childrens Mercy. Lois
