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Thursday, February 19, 2015

We're off!!

Well we are loading the car and plan to leave here at 3!  We just can't believe that the time has come. We are very ready to get this behind us, Dave said it is time to do it, Mitch continues to have more and more seizures:(!  We know it will be a very long recovery but we also know we will have tons of help and prayers to get us through this!  I need to thank so many people, thanks to the methodist church in Albany-Stanberry for the beautiful "Royal" prayer shawl!  Mitch LOVES it and so do I, I will keep it with me tomorrow:) Thanks to so many for the movies, magazines, lip balm, all the donations and all the thoughts and prayers, even the silent ones I know we are getting!! We really appreciate them all and it seems so weird to have everything done that NEEDS done for the next month!  I told Dave I'm not really sure how we did it the day of Mitch's accident 13 and 1/2 years ago. We left on a moments notice and we were gone over a month so we both know we can do this because we have such wonder family and friends to help us.  I really appreciate all of you thinking we are Super Parents but believe me you would be too if the table was turned, I pray noone has to live this nightmare we are living!  Alot of you have asked for the address so I will post it tomorrow, I will also know more tomorrow about visitors, they have told us that he can have visitors but I didn't ask if there was a certain age you have to be or how many at a time can be back to see him, I do think that for Mitch's safety we will have to be gowned because of the chance of infection, I also think they may do your temperature to make sure you aren't sick.  Please feel free to facebook, call or text me anytime!!  Thanks so much for continuing on this journey with us, you will never know how much this means to all of us!  Love you all,  David, Theresa and Mitchell Schmitz   

P.S. If you see  my kids and grandbabies, give them a BIG hug and kiss from Mom or Mimi!  I will miss them soooo much, Thanks a Bunch Mary, Granny, Trude and anyone else that are helping with them while I'm away.  Love you all!!!!!!!!!!  

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