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Friday, February 20, 2015

Surgey has started!

We made it to the hospital at 5 and they quickly got us to the prep area where they had a little trouble getting IV in:(! They took him back at 5:30, we have a screen to watch and that is all the updates we will get!  I ask you all to pray hard for Mitch's Dr. We know she will do great and take very good care of him but we just want her to be get this done without any complications! I thought maybe this wouldn't be as hard as when he was so little but let me tell you....I have cried more last night and today than I have in a long time, dang it he is still my baby! Thanks so much for all the continued support! I will update when I can! God bless you all and please dear God and all of our special angels help guide Dr. Taunaka's steady hand as she does her magic on our baby!!! Theresa

P.S. we are on the fourth floor waiting room, take the orange elevators, Mitch is on 3rd floor and then he goes to recovery there and we won't see him til he gets to ICU:(!

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