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Thursday, February 26, 2015

St. John Licci

Blessed John Licci (Giovanni Liccio)
Feast day: November 14
(Patron of Head Injuries)

Blessed John Licci
Blessed John Licci is one of the longest living holy men of the Church. His 111 years on this earth in a small town near Palermo, Sicily, were filled with miracles. Born in 1400 to a poor farmer, John's mother died in childbirth. His life from then on, all 111 years, was a tale of miracles. His father had to work the fields, and was forced to leave the infant alone. The baby began crying, and a neighbor woman took him to her home to feed him. She laid the infant on the bed next to her paralyzed husband - and the man was instantly cured. The woman told John's father of the miracle but he was more concerned that she was meddling, and had taken his son without his permission. He took the child home to feed him As soon as the child was removed from the house, the neighbor's paralysis returned; when John was brought back in, the man was healed. Even John's father took this as a sign, and allowed the neighbors to care for John.
A precocious child John began reciting the Daily Offices before age 10. While on a trip to Palmero, Italy at age 15, John went to Confession in the church of Saint Zita of Lucca where his confession was heard by Blessed Peter Geremia who suggested John consider a religious life. John considered himself unworthy, but Peter pressed the matter, and John joined the Dominicans in 1415, and wore the habit for 96 years, the longest period known for any priest. He founded the Convent of Saint Zita in Caccamo, Italy. During the construction, workmen ran out of materials; the next day at dawn a large ox -drawn wagon arrived at the site. The driver unloaded a large quantity of stone, lime and sand - then promptly disappeared, leaving the oxen and wagon behind for the use of the convent. If roof beams were cut too short, John prayed over them, and they would stretch to fit. There were days when John had to miraculously multiply bread and wine to feed the workers. He also provided perpetual food for a poor widow and her six children. It simply appeared in her bread box before every meal. Once a young boy came to the construction site to watch his uncle set stones; the boy fell from a wall, and was killed; John prayed over him, and restored him to life and health.
While he did plenty of preaching in his 90+ years in the habit, he was best known for his miracles and good works. He cured at least three people whose heads had been crushed in accidents. Consequently, he has been designated the patron saint of head injuries. He was the Dominican Provincial of Sicily, as well as prior of his abbey. He died in 1511 of natural causes. 

Saint's Prayer

Loving God, you made Blessed John illustrious by a complete self-denial and the utmost zeal for charity that he might reveal the mystery of your love to the poor. By following his example may we seek to please you and aid our brothers and sisters in Christ. Blessed John Licci, healer and friend to the community, we beseech you to pray for these wounds to mend. Restore to health this soul who has so much to give to the world. By the grace of the Lord, pray for the restoration of this injury and steady the doctor's hand through the healing process. With God's blessing, we implore your help. We ask this through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, forever and ever. Amen. Blessed John, pray for us!
Special Thanks to: Book of Saints, by the Monks of Ramsgate
Artwork information: Unknown
Data entered by: Ed McCoy on 2011-12-1

Mitch received a St. John Licci medal today! He is patron saint of head injuries! How come I never knew that?  Thank you so much Frank, Susan Grispino and boys! I have it on and will put it on Mitch after surgery tomorrow! Above is a story and a prayer about St John, it is a good read if you have time!! So tomorrow will be a big day! They are going to remove the skull and take out  a 1 inch by 1 1/2 inch piece of brain!  We have specific prayer for our warriors, please pray that the skull isn't infected! They will do a test on it as soon as they take it to see if it is, if it happens to be infected then they will have to "preserve" it some how and they will close Mitch up without his skull and send him home with a helmet and then come back 6-8 weeks later and put the skull back in! Dr. Tanka is really nervous because Mitch has had an infection in his skull before so she just thinks it could be a possibility!  I know with all of you praying this won't be a problem! I also want you to pray for all the Drs. Working on Mitch, please let their hands be steady and do there magic on my baby boys head!!  Mitch received more mail today, thanks so much for thinking of him! Remember, tomorrow is Royal Blue day, wear some blue if you can to support Mitch!! What a very cool idea! Thanks for coming up with it Checkers, it really did make me cry!!  Mark, Bull, Adam and Tiff have joined us today and will be here for surgery tomorrow! Thank you guys so much for being so brave to stay with this basket case! I can't thank everyone for all you have done for us! God Bless you all and let's do this and let the healing begin!!!!

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